Community Newsletter Jan 2023

Hi All, This community announcement (now called newsletter) is sent to all unit owners of Bohol Jewel in order to provide updates and discuss issues. You can also leave comments and have discussions at the end. Here are the topics for this newsletter: Monthly Fees As I mentioned before, we need to increase the monthly fee for all apartments to 4,000 per month starting March 1 for the following reasons: 1. Prices for everything have gone up a lot in Bohol. Common area expenses such as common electricity, water, pool supplies have gone up. If we want to retain our …

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Summary of Oct. 31 Meeting

Hi All, We had a very nice and productive virtual meeting among the owners of Bohol Jewel today. I want to thank those who attended and invite those who didn’t to join us at our next meeting which will be on Saturday, January 7, 2023, 8am Bohol time (details to follow). Please leave comments below. One of the things I took away from this meeting is that we work better as a community, and this has been lacking for a few years. This is why we have agreed to conduct meetings every quarter instead of every year. Please mark the …

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Community Announcement Sept 2022

This community announcement is sent to all unit owners of Bohol Jewel in order provide updates and discuss issues. You can also leave comments and have discussions at the end of the announcement. Here are the topics for this announcement: Status Update of Bohol Jewel Residences Budget and Management details Inflation, Price Increases in the Philippines Selling or Renting your apartment at Bohol Jewel Generator and Internet Security Issues and Updates to our “House Rules” Maintenance Services Provided by BJC to Apartment Owners Annual Meeting will be October 31, 2022 1. Status Update of Bohol Jewel Residences Now that the …

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Community Announcement Feb 2022

This community announcement is sent to all unit owners of Bohol Jewel in order provide updates and discuss issues. You can also leave comments and have discussions at the end of the announcement. Here are the topics for this announcement: Typhoon update Notes from the last community announcement What to expect when sub-renting and what are the responsibilities In summary Typhoon Update I have received the estimates for repairs after the typhoon and we expect to begin soon. It is about 70,000 pesos for fixing the ceiling panels (spandrels) and about 2,500 for the broken balcony glass. The generator remains …

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Typhoon Odette Status Update

This is to update all owners of Bohol Jewel of the situation after being hit with category 5 Typhoon last night. Our property has suffered some damage but no one is hurt. I would like to thank Noel and Thomas who are living on site for all their help and information they have provided. I will provide as much detail as possible about the damages: Water entered many upstairs apartments. In building 2 and 3 upstairs the winds blew rain into the glass sliding doors and in building 1 it blew from the back doors. No windows were broken. A …

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Community Announcement Oct 2021

This community announcement is provided to all unit owners of Bohol Jewel in order give updates and discuss issues. You can also leave comments at the end of the announcement. Here are the topics for this announcement: Monthly fee complaints Restaurant and other expected opening Generator usage during pandemic Situation in Bohol Other issues New customer area Monthly fee complaints Even though the monthly fee was agreed to in our contracts and goes towards maintaining the property, it is always a source of problems especially during the pandemic. We have received complaints from some owners about paying the monthly fee …

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